What people are saying

I found Giles and his team a dream to work with. They never grumbled when I sent in changes, which meant I felt supported throughout the whole process. I am very happy. The books arrived in tip top condition. Thank you so much, Giles, for being wonderful to work with. I am really pleased to have Mum’s words immortalised in her publication. One day she won’t be here to answer all those questions, so I’m grateful she has put it all into words. Amanda has brought it all to life with the photos, and you with the printing! What a team!

Amanda Phillips, Dunedin.

New release!

Giles and I are delighted to announce the release of Back tae Auld Claes an’ Porridge: A New Start by Jack Melrose. In Jack’s words:

Through the eyes of its main character James, this Scottish coming-of-age story evokes daily life of Edinburgh folk in the 1940s, 1950s and early 1960s.

Set against the backdrop of a still-depressed Leith and a regenerating Edinburgh, Back tae Auld Claes an’ Porridge chronicles three decades in the lives of a Scottish family.

In two captivating volumes, Jack Melrose tells the unique story of Janet and Ian Swanston as they pick up the pieces after six long years of war, bringing up their two bairns in a slum tenement.

This was a wonderful, beautifully written book to work on and I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the main character, James, and his family. Jack’s second book in the series, A New Age, will be available soon, so keep your eyes on http://www.jackmelrose.nz and here for news of its release. Spoiler alert: it’s equally as enjoyable as A New Start and this editor is already looking forward to reading the next in the series.

Get your copy of the first book at Jack’s Amazon page:


Happy reading! Lel.

New release!

Mike Brown has emerged as a leader in the bone carving scene in Aotearoa NZ and this book tells the story of the resulting resurgence in bone carving, as well as Mike’s personal 44-year bone carving journey.

Cost: $35 plus $6 postage

Contact Mike on either 027 223 6138 or 22pilotroad@gmail.com

Instagram users can also find his work here: Mike Brown (@bonecarver007) • Instagram photos and videos

We’re back!

We’re all moved into our new premises now and it’s business as usual at PublishMe. We look forward to hearing from you and discovering how we can help you set your book free. Lel.

PublishMe Are Moving!

Hi, everyone. Giles and I just wanted to let you know that PublishMe are moving to new premises on 17th April and may not be able to get back to you for a week or so with replies to any questions you have. Please do fill in our contact form, however, or feel free to call and leave a message if we’re unable to answer, and when we’re reconnected, we’ll get back to you as quickly as possible. Happy writing in the meantime! Lel.


Collaboration with Christine Sheehy, Book Coach

In further news, we recently connected with Christine Sheehy, a non-fiction book coach certified by Author Accelerator and based in Matakana, north of Auckland. She works with entrepreneurs, thought leaders and experts in their fields to shape their ideas into compelling non-fiction books. If you have a unique methodology or framework, or knowledge to share and a story to tell, Christine can help you define your idea, plan the book’s content, and get your words onto the page. Check out her website at www.bookcoach.co.nz, or visit her Facebook page:


Want a head start on planning your non-fiction book? Go here https://christinesheehy.ck.page/2660d33f91 to sign up for her free masterclass, Nail Your Non-Fiction Book Idea. You’ll get instant access to the class once you’ve entered your email address.

Christine’s a lovely lady, who’s extremely accomplished in her field, and we look forward to working with her in the future. If you know of anyone who would benefit from her help, please do pass on the above details to them. Lel.

Collaboration with Moving Memories

Giles and I are very excited to announce a new collaboration with Moving Memories, a Wellington-based company owned and operated by Nicola Kane, whose expertise lies in conducting filmed interviews with clients to preserve their stories and memories for posterity, much in the way some of our authors write their autobiographies or family histories. Through the video interview recordings, the real personality and true essence of the interviewee is captured for viewing by their children and grandchildren through the years, bringing them to life in an endearing and visual way.

If this idea appeals to you and you’re interested in learning more, here’s a link to Nicola’s website: https://www.movingmemories.nz/

For example clips from video memoirs created by Moving Memories, go to: https://www.movingmemories.nz/life-story-videos/

And if you’d like to get in touch, you can contact Nicola here: https://www.movingmemories.nz/contact/

She also has a YouTube channel where you can get tips & ideas on how to save your family memories using video: https://youtube.com/@savingfamilymemories


News Archives – 2022 to April 2023

We have upgraded the PublishMe website this month, and do hope you like the new look!

Please note that the News articles for PublishMe from 2022 through to April 2023 have been archived into one article below.

What people are saying

(Originally posted 09/08/2022)

Here’s a wonderful review of our services by M C Post, author of Guild Scouts, Journey of the Night, whose excellent fantasy book can be found here https://www.amazon.com.au/Guild-Scouts-Journey-Night-Post-ebook/dp/B0B2QJRC2N/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2L1WURYQB5JRT&keywords=guild+scouts&qid=1660011758&sprefix=guild+scouts%2Caps%2C253&sr=8-1:

“It was such a pleasure to work with someone who was as enthusiastic and committed to the project as I was. Your support, advice and overall interest in me and my work is very much appreciated and I would highly recommend PublishMe to anyone with a passion for writing.

I look forward to working with you again.”

New release

(Originally posted 03/06/2022)

Guild Scouts. Journey of the Night by M.C. Post

“Many of us long for change, but it doesn’t always come about in the way we expect.

When her uncle, Viscount Sebastian Avery, orchestrates the move from his family holdings in Briar Glade to a large manor house in the coastal city of Avondale, Samira suspects he is plotting another of his devious schemes. But when people start dying she learns he is embroiled in a conspiracy much bigger than a mere con.

Desperate to prevent her uncle from using her special gifts in his quest for power, Sam escapes with the help of some new friends and discovers her gifts are a valuable asset to a group determined to keep the country safe.”

I absolutely LOVED this book. It’s the first part of a trilogy, so keep ’em peeled for part two, which will be out as soon as possible. It’s a great young adult novel, but this 55-year-old really enjoyed it, too. It’s cleverly plotted and well-researched and you’ll love the characters – goodies and baddies alike. (The baddies are really bad…)

To grab your copy, either go to the Amazon page here: https://www.amazon.com/Guild-Scouts-Journey-Night-Post-ebook/dp/B0B2QJRC2N/ref=sr_1_1?crid=9AAL9IRE812O&keywords=Guild+Scouts&qid=1654047068&s=books&sprefix=guild+scouts%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C473&sr=1-1

or email M.C.Post99@gmail.com

Dive into this wonderful story. I know you’ll enjoy it as much as I did. Lel.

New release

(Originally posted 17/05/2022)

“Art That Heals” by Carrie Brightwell.

I’ll let Carrie describe her book in her own words:

“Welcome to a world of healing at your fingertips. This book is unlike any other mandala colouring book you can buy. It’s authentic, original, unique, and full of unconditional universal love.

“It is designed to empower and heal you.  You choose when, where, and how you wish to receive the benefits from these mandalas and the Reiki energy that was thoughtfully put into them.

“Allow yourself to reap all benefits of meditating in a playful yet focused way. Give your mind and body the healing it needs and help yourself create the future of your dreams.

“Reclamation of Power

“I have selected and shared very empowering energies to help you release yourself from fear and unserving habits, to help you gain strength, hope, and a stronger connection with your intuition.

“This book is now available to buy in New Zealand! Get your copy now and begin your fun, focused and healing meditative journey 💜”

And here’s where you can buy your copy. It would make an excellent gift, or you can keep it for yourself: https://brightwellbeing.co.uk/art-that-heals-reclamation…/

P.S. Folks, if you visit this link, you can receive a free Reiki infused colouring mandala. Why wouldn’t you? Enjoy. Lel.

New release

(Originally posted 26/03/2022)

The Fable of Flitcroft Point, by Robert Philip Bolton

Here’s another wonderful book from one of our most prolific authors, Robert Philip Bolton. He’s knocked it out of the ballpark once more with The Fable of Flitcroft Point:

A controversial novel that turns New Zealand history upside-down. Will you see the past being repeated?

Early in the twenty-first century a series of viruses killed eighty percent of the world’s population. Famine loomed. In New Zealand there was plenty of food but too few people to process it. Into this vacuum came the mysterious Vandiers, so numerous and wealthy they dominated the small Kiwiland population whose traditions, culture, religion and language they despised. The Fable of Flitcroft Point is set in a typical Kiwiland village where the Vandier government has taken village land for its own purposes. The Kiwilanders decide they want their land back. But can their feeble protest succeed against the overwhelming land-grabbing power of central government?

I honestly can’t recommend this book enough, so jump onto Amazon and grab your copy. You can find it here: https://www.amazon.com.au/Fable-Flitcroft-Point-controversial-Zealand-ebook/dp/B09SVX5MJB/ref=sr_1_2?crid=200JB09D5E3BL&keywords=robert+philip+bolton&qid=1648160706&sprefix=robert+philip+bolton%2Caps%2C243&sr=8-2